Guess what? last week aku dapat peluang untuk fly dengan Cessna! Alhamdulillah, yeayyy !!! first of all *macam ayat nak buat speech kat sekolah*, a big thanks to Munchy's sebab bagi bespren i, Akmal, menang the munchy's one day pilot contest. eheh~ tak pasal pasal aku yang dapat tumpang naik sekali. #act, time macam ni lah baru kau tahu sape kawan sebenar, see, kawan aku mmg takkan pernah lupe aku kalau bab2 fly ni. aku bersyukur sangat sebab dapat kawan yang awesome macam Akmal :')
Akmal, she is act memang cadet pilot pun, so bila dah menang contest ni, dia siap tanya aku aku nak duduk depan ke, biar dia backseat, sebab dia nak bagi aku feel macam mana bila fly pastu tengok view yang luas dari depan tu kan, well, dia kan dah hari-hari fly dengan Piper dia. say wowwww to her ! hehe. back to her question, mule-mule of course la aku segan nak jawab, tapi dia cakap jawab jela, ok, aku nak duduk depan. hehe. but then, memang unexpectedly, aku dengan Akmal fly dengan different Cessna. owh ya, these Cessna yg kitorang naik belong to Air Adventure Flying Club kat Subang Skypark. lagi best, sebenarnye, aku dah lama dok usha2 flying club ni, tp takde chance je lagi nak join, yela, aku kan budak universiti, busy la. *alasan*.
so then, about 1 p.m kitorang dah ready2 to fly. and the most unexpected thing happen again. i will fly with another pilot, and then he gave me the chance to handle the Cessna (9M-JFA). omg ! he is so awesome though! thanx to him for being so sporting, hehe. and also, the Captain from that flying club, Captain Andreas once said to me, " MAKE SURE TO FLY". wowww ! you gotta be kidding me? he, a captain, give me support to make sure i will fly one day ! thanx to him for believe in my dream too :))
serius hafal skrip #eh! haha |
muke ehhh..excited nak terbang ! macam aku yg menang. hiks :D |
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credit : munchy's believe it, i'm flying !!! yuhuuuuu :D
#oh yeah. munchy's memang selalu buat contest2 best. tak semestinya fly je, macam2 lagi hadiah best2 dorang nak bagi. join their monthly contest kat fb munchy's yer kawan-kawan :))
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